When I returned home from seeing Joy of Healing founders, Andrew and Tamara Overlee, I could barely wait to see my friend and fellow fibromyalgia sufferer. Long time family friends, her parents were in the same nursing home my mom was in. A nurse and a mother herself, my friend taught me how to change my poor bedridden mother’s diapers … Read More
Healthy Living
Diet and exercise are often considered the cornerstones of healthy living. Even with the importance of sleep and eliminating smoking added to the mix, there is still much more involved.
Giving Up is Not an Option
Chronic Pain–Loss & Gain Suffering is a good teacher. Many might say that the negative lessons learned could be taught in a more pleasing manner; but I am here to tell you that even through suffering, you can learn positive messages that are life changing. Fibromyalgia was my teacher.
People Pleaser
eople pleaser–that was me. Trying to be something I believed everyone else wanted me to be. First it was parents, then teachers, peers, employers and husband. When that didn’t work, I tried to fly below the radar screen, blend in and escape notice. I was one of the sheep; a perpetual follower. If I had an opinion, I certainly never … Read More